[ broader outcomes ]



Our spark is ignited through creativity and motivation


Passionate pursuit of knowledge and a relentless quest for understanding, fostering growth, innovation, and open-mindedness.


Self-assuredness, belief in our abilities, and the courage to take on challenges and pursue goals with determination.


Willingness to face fear, adversity, and difficult decisions with bravery and integrity, often leading to personal and ethical growth


Foster a sense of belonging and well-being through encouragement, empathy, open communication, leadership, guidance, training, and teamwork


Promote a culture of respect, humility, and appreciation by valuing diverse experiences, fostering connections, and acknowledging contributions

Environmental, Social + Governance / Broader Outcomes

Environmental, Social + Governance / Broader Outcomes

Broader Outcomes.pdf


Pacific Environments strongly identifies with Te Kawenata o Rata, a covenant that formalises an ongoing relationship of co-operation between the members of the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects and Ngā Aho, the Society of Māori Design Professionals, created in 2017. 

The Kawenata is a values-based agreement, developed around five articles that set out the relationship between the NZIA and Ngā Aho in the spirit of partnership under the mana of the Treaty of Waitangi.

The five articles refer to: 

  • Whakaritenga / Respect                                                                           
  • Rangatiratanga / Authority and Responsibility                                      
  • Mātauranga Whaihanga / Knowledge and Tikanga                                          
  • Mahi Kotahitanga / Co-operation                                                                          
  • Kanohi Kitea / Representation

TE ARANGA DESIGN PRINCIPLES                                                            

 The key objective of the Principles is to enhance the protection, reinstatement, development and articulation of Mana Whenua cultural landscapes enabling all of us (mana whenua, mataawaka, tauiwi and manuhiri) to connect to and deepen our ‘sense of place’. 

These core Māori values are seen as underpinning and guiding the application of the Te Aranga Māori Design Principles. 

  • Mana: iwi and hapū as mana whenua is recognised and provides a mutually respected platform for working relationships where manawhenua values, world views, tikanga, cultural narratives and visual identity which can be appropriately expressed in the design environment                                                
  • Whakapapa: Māori names are celebrated                                                
  • Taiao: The natural environment is protected, restored and / or enhanced                                                                                               
  • Mauri Tu: Environmental health is protected, maintained and / or enhanced 
  • Mahi Toi: Iwi/hapū narratives are captured and expressed creatively and appropriately 
  • Tohu: Mana whenua significant sites and cultural landmarks are acknowledged.  

Honouring the Treaty by: 

  • Being aware of the Treaty and NZ History 
  • Learning common Te Reo Māori words 
  • Correctly pronouncing Māori names & place names 
  • Knowing about Māori values 
  • Understanding Tikanga Māori (Māori cultural practices) 
  • Working with Māori and listening to Māori 


Pacific Environments aims to be an employer of choice that encourages and supports staff to achieve their greatest potential. We are committed to providing a constructive and professional working environment where different experiences are valued, and all employees are respected and treated fairly 

We are an Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) workplace where all employees receive fair and equal treatment in the workplace regardless of their diversity, such as race, ethnicity, age, gender, family status, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. It is important to us that our workplace be free from discrimination of any kind. 

We will ensure we have an inclusive culture and eliminate unlawful discrimination, bullying, or harassment in the workplace. In all areas including: 

  • Consistently reviewing and reporting on our gender and ethnic diversity.
  • Actively recruiting team members from diverse backgrounds.

Client & Supplier Diversity

  • Engage with a range of businesses, consultants or contractors to ensure diverse practices 

We prefer to

  • Work with NZ based businesses
  • Specify local products
  • Work with local artists with indigneous connections


To deal responsibly and ethically with our clients        

We recognise that our suppliers and contractors are key stakeholders. We will deal with our suppliers honestly and fairly, and expect our suppliers to follow responsible working practices and promote high ethical standards

We strive to be a good corporate citizen recognising our responsibility to work in partnership within the communities that we operate.

We aim to attract, retain and motivate a high calibre of employee. We encourage individuality and initiative, and are committed to supporting personal development and growth.

Data mangement, quality, and information is professionally supported and backed up by off-site independent services.

PENZL Best Practice – operational process improvement.

Quality Assurance reviews of projects, software, and hardware.


We recognise our responsibility to respect & limit the impact of our business on the environment.

  • Toitu Carbon Neutral accredited.
  • Architects Declare Signatory

We strive to implement sustainable strategies in all our building projects and empower our people to provide positive environmental impact through skillful and sensitive design

  • NZ Green Star Accredited
  • Homestar Accredited

All employees are encouraged and supported to act in an environmentally responsible manner.

Continue to identify and implement sustainability measures within our own building space to reduce our impact.

Educate clients in the cost-benefit analysis of ESD both for short-term & long-term.

  • Life Cycle Carbon Analysis
  • Timber technology

Support clients on their design journey to understand their responsibilities to the environment.